The Great Divide (CD)


Beyond God’s latest album is a symphonic metal odyssey that delves into the human psyche, our relationships with time, love, memory, and existence. The album’s narrative unfolds across a series of interconnected tracks that explore diverse themes, from inspired by the tales of Greek mythology “Cronos” to the chilling aftermath of lost love in “After Love Ends.”




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Beyond God’s latest album is a symphonic metal odyssey that delves into the human psyche, our relationships with time, love, memory, and existence. The album’s narrative unfolds across a series of interconnected tracks that explore diverse themes, from inspired by the tales of Greek mythology “Cronos” to the chilling aftermath of lost love in “After Love Ends.”

Musically, the album draws inspiration from the darker, heavier realms of metal, with fierce guitar riffs, pounding drums, and atmospheric orchestral arrangements. However, it’s Meryl Foreman’s amazing voice that adds a calming touch, bringing out real feelings and emotions in the songs.

Tracks like “The Great Divide” and “Coronation” reflect a more socio-political awareness, touching upon contemporary issues and the state of the world, while others, such as “A Siren’s Cry” and “Aphantasia,” are deeply personal, focusing on love, loss, and the inner workings of the mind.

At its essence, this album is a musical adventure. It gives a fresh twist to symphonic metal, showcasing the band’s solid skills while telling powerful stories The end result is a listening experience that is both powerful and moving, a testament to Beyond God’s evolution and maturity as artists.